My daughter convinced me I ought to do this. are a 'nudger' for me...thus, I am nudged into writing. Something I have always thought I would do...should do...wanted to, I have the time and I think something worthy of saying.
Now, what do I say that interest someone other than myself?
I hope to use this blog to share some thoughts...ideas...opinions that I have had throughout my career and life. I have watched kids accomplish amazing things and I have also unfortunately watched them stoop to such levels that my heart ached or my frustration felt like it belonged on a universe that couldn't be reversed.
I hope you will tolerate my random style as I identify my blog style.
I hope to share insights about what it felt like to watch what we do to our kids and a few things I learned along the way.
I hope to hear what you think.
I hope to hear about your experiences.
I named my Blog Lunch Box Thoughts from Julie because of all the years I watched my little kiddos in my school who had parents who cared enough to write them a lunch box love note--I hope to expand this further as I become blog able. Kids deserve love, tenderness, kindness and parents with integrity...whether a lunch box love note or some other gesture of their deserve to be the center of the universe for just a little while.
Forgive my lack of blogging etiquette as I am sure there is one and in time I will learn the language--the rules...the way. I love to learn new things, so why not a new challenge?
Thanks sweetie pie Melissa for the nudge.
Lunch Box Thoughts from Julie Blog #2 coming soon.
This is a very impressive debut--I'm proud of you. One of these days, I plan on putting up one of these spaces, but in the meanwhile, I'll learn vicariously through you. Your blog template is so you--elegantly scrapbooky. Your "Jack" post made me cry, so already you are a success!
Write on!
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